Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hi Everyone!

I got nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thanks to Jenny from Artsy Peacock for nominating everyone out there who wanted to do the award (I chose to do it!). I really like how Jenny's posts are so deep and thought-out, and you should definitely visit her blog! I really like participating in awards and tags, because it helps those reading my blog learn a little more about me. I personally really like learning about people, because although there are some similarities between myself and others, there are many differences, which is what makes everyone so unique and interesting. Anyways, on to the rest of the award!

 1. Thank the person who nominated you.
 2. Answer the questions given to you from the nominator
3. Nominate eleven other bloggers.
4. Create eleven new questions for the people you nominated.
1.) What do you dip your French fries in?
I dip my French fries in tomato ketchup. I haven't really tried them with anything else, so I don't have many options to choose from. :)

2.) What is your dream car?
I don't have a particular model in mind, but I want to get a BMW when I get older.

3.) What is your favorite healthy or unhealthy snack?
I'll tell you both! My favorite healthy snack would probably be some type of juicy fruit- it depends on the day (usually watermelons or grapes), and my favorite unhealthy snack is Oreo ice cream.

4.) What is your favorite emoji?
Haha... I have a friend who loves emojis, so this would be a great question for her. I would probably have to go with the winky face one. I find it really funny.

5.) Do you like prunes, why or why not?
Um... what are prunes?

6.) Rain or snow?
Snow. I wear glasses, so it's really annoying when it rains and I have to wipe off my glasses, and it doesn't wipe off cleanly. Usually when it snows I'm wearing a hood, so I can avoid that problem. Plus, snow is much more fun in my opinion.

7.) What does your ideal day look like?
Probably free time where I can  relax and do things I enjoy, like read a good book and create some artwork.

8.) When you put on nail polish, do you use a base coat or top coat? (And if you don't use nail polish, how do your nails look normally?)
I use a top coat. I don't really believe in basecoats.

9.) Who is your favorite YouTuber?
I don't really do YouTube, but I like Sasha from ABookUtopia. She does really interesting book reviews.

10.) Pilates or weight lifting?
I don't really do either, but if I had to pick, probably pilates.

11.) What is your favorite large body of water and why?
Currently, probably the Gulf of Mexico. We went to Florida recently, and went to this one beach where the water was pristine and the whole scene looked like it could be a painting. Nature is always so fascinating.
My Nominees: I nominate anyone who reads this and wants to do the award.
-Your Questions to Answer-

1. What's you favorite color?
2. What is your favorite summer activity and why?
3. What's the funniest thing that's ever happened to you?
4. How do you usually do your hair?
5. What's your favorite TV show?
6. Do you believe in having a lot of friends or a few close friends?
7. What is your favorite thing to cook?
8. Fanta or Crush?
9. What is something you hate that everyone else seems to love?
10. What do you usually do on your birthday?
11. Where is the most scenic place you've ever been to?

Thanks for reading, and I hope you do the award too. Send me a link to your blog post in the comments if you choose to do the award. :)


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