Thursday, June 30, 2016

App Review: Fresh Paint


Today I'm going to be reviewing an app called Fresh Paint (Microsoft app). I'm pretty sure this app is only available for Windows, and the good thing is that it's free!

This is probably one of the coolest apps I've ever tried out! Fresh Paint allows you to create artwork without even having to physically have art materials out. Not only can you start with a blank canvas and work to create whatever you want, but you can also upload an image onto a canvas and work form there. How cool is that? Also, this isn't just limited to painting/paints. You can use other materials too such as oil pastels and colored pencils. This is literally almost like your entire art set in one efficient app. I've mainly tried out the painting part of this app, because I love to paint and I find it so fascinating that my artwork looks like I  painted it with actual paints and brushes. Also, I find it more easier to paint than work with pastels or colored pencils because I use my computer mouse for this, and things can get a bit messy with those mediums. For painting, there two different types of paints you can choose from: watercolor and acrylic. There are different options for brush size, and you also have the option of creating custom colors using a color wheel and can blend colors together. The best part is that there is a fan at the bottom of the screen, and that really helps you with layering colors. It's like real life, except it speeds up the process. If you wanted to have your background be blue and wanted to paint a sun on top of it, in real life you would probably have to wait about 5-10 minutes until the blue dried before painting a yellow sun on top of it. With this app, you can have the drying process occur within seconds by simply clicking the fan. It's so easy!! The one concern I have with this app is that I don't think there is a way to add typed text to artwork- I wish there was, because it would be helpful for doing things like writing the title in the corner, name signing, and more. Below, I've included a painting I created using this app. Doesn't it look like I actually painted it?

What is your favorite art related app? Thanks for reading!


Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to Draw a Basic Flower With Some Design

Hey Everyone!

Here's a quick and easy drawing tutorial! I hope you enjoy it, and let me know if you would like me to do more! Sorry the video is a bit blurry; I filmed it using my phone.


"A Summer Dance"- My First Interpretation


Today, I'm going to share ONE my interpretations/thoughts of the poem in the post below.

My first thought was that little things like the breeze can have transforming impacts on things. It's almost like a person coming to an oasis in a desert, and coming to life because of the water. The breeze & wind help bring the leaves to life by making them move around. We normally associate leaves with words like "rustling" or "fluttering", which wouldn't be possible without that small breeze (or wind) enabling the leaves to dance.

I'm still waiting for thoughts in the comments!!


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

" A Summer Dance"


I know this is more of an artsy blog, but I would also like to share some writing with you occasionally. After all, art is defined as the expression or application of human creative skill and emotion. I’m sorry if my first post makes it seem like art is only drawing and things like that (the main focus of my blog is about that part of art), but art really expands to all sorts of things like painting, literature, music, dance, etc. I love to write, so I will share some of my works with you throughout my posts on this blog. Today, I’m sharing a poem.

“A Summer Dance”

Trees sway with the gentle breeze,
and leaves dance,
sometimes swaying side to side,
and other times showing off their beauty,
by gliding,
and bowing,
always catching the radiant sunlight,
and changing from shades of lime,
to crisper and darker shades of green,
differing like a disco ball,
coming to life.

I wrote this poem just a few minutes ago, while I was looking at the leaves of trees outside my house glittering in the breeze with the help of sunlight. I want to ask you guys what this poem meant to YOU. There are so many ways that I am interpreting this poem- I can connect it to nature in general, emotions, personal life, and so much more. I will write a follow up post in a couple of days talking about my interpretations of this poem, but in the mean time I would really love to hear from you. Everyone thinks differently, and I would love to get a variety of thoughts. Thanks for reading and I hope you’re having a great summer (if you’re living in the northern hemisphere) or winter (southern hemisphere). Where I live, it’s summer and I’m having a busy summer full of many great activities that I’ll tell you more about in a later post. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing back from you in the comments about my question to you.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016



I'm Silvia, a creative person with many interests. I like to read, and have blogged about my reading at I also like to write and create things. I enjoy listening to music, and play the violin and also sing. Currently, my favorite song is "The Best Day" by: Taylor Swift. I hope you enjoy reading through the posts on my blog, and feel free to leave any constructive comments, questions, or suggestions in the comments.

Have a great day!

Summer Project Ideas

  Hey Everyone!

Summer has started, so it's time to get some summer art ideas going! I 'm going to be doing many tutorials over the next few months, so stay tuned for that! I created this post to mainly ask you guys what types of artsy things you want me to make tutorials of/post about on this blog. If you have any suggestions, please leave them below in the comments. If you want me to do a flower design tutorial like in the picture above (I drew it), then please include that too. Also, please remember that all pictures and information I put on this blog are mine unless stated otherwise.

Happy summer!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Art: 10 Things You Need


In order to even start off doing art, you need to enjoy and be passionate about what you're doing. Something that is always true is that your artwork reflects your interest.   If you're someone that isn't too interested in art, I would recommend you try at least something (there are so many different styles of art!), but  it's okay if art's not your thing. If you're interested and not at the level you want to be, keep going. Never give up. The only way to get better is to keep trying.

2. TIME.
Art takes time! In order to create quality work that you will appreciate, time is necessary. If you are interested and passionate about art like I talked about in #1, then making time for art is something you should be trying to do. Maybe you can watch your favorite show on TV and ALSO be doodling in your sketchbook.

If you're still reading, you're probably someone who is interested in art, and either has time or is willing to make time for it. Here are some really basic supplies I would recommend that artists of all levels to have. Most of you probably already have all of them at home.

3. PENCILS & ERASERS                  






(helpful for signing artwork and outlining to make things stand out)



Thanks for reading!