Friday, July 21, 2017

DIY Inspiration Boards


Today's post is mostly going to be about inspiration. According to Merriam Webster, inspiration is something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create: a force or influence that inspires someone. Most of the time when you create something, it's because you've been inspired by something else. For example, I used to not bake at all. It just was something I hadn't really done before, and I didn't even really feel that I should try it. But after watching some baking shows, I felt that I should try it too. Now, I really like to bake!

Inspiration can come from anywhere. Today, I'm going to show you how to create an inspiration board. An inspiration board is basically a place where you can map out things/ideas that you like or are interested in. It can really help you with combining things you're interested in to come up with great ideas! I know some authors create these boards to help generate ideas before they write. Inspiration boards can be as simple or elaborate as you want. Remember, this is a way for you to be inspired. Choose what goes on your inspiration board according to your interests and preferences. As to how you can create your board- that's also completely up to you! Here are some options that I know have worked for people before:

1. Pinterest- Many people find this very easy to make inspiration boards. However, I don't do social media and have therefore never used this.

2. Word Document- You can make a mini collage on here using pictures off the internet.

3. Poster- You can do SO MUCH with this option. You can cut out pictures from old magazines and glue them on, hand draw things, print out pictures off the internet and glue them on, and more. Also, poster doesn't have to mean that you have to buy the huge ones they sell in stores. You can use a regular sheet of paper or some old cardboard at home for this too. But I'll warn you that this may be a little more time consuming than some of the other electronic options. Below is a picture of an inspiration board I made with my friend last year. We used an old piece of cardboard and glued on pictures that we cut out from magazines.

I hope you found this post useful, and please tell me if you tried this out and made your own inspiration board! What techniques do you use for brainstorming?


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